Monday, October 16, 2006

My Sire

It was time you rose,
Higher, away from the darkness,
Away from the entangling shadows.
So you rose.
Your movement flawless,
You were not delved in insanity,
You knew exactly what to do.
I thought you were hiding, and you were,
Just with a painted mask called waiting.
I couldn’t hear you, see you, feel you.
I think you were scared to show me what you were,
What I would become.
You said it was my foolish curiosity that made me fall,
You were, and are wrong.
It is foolish curiosity that makes a scientist out of a man,
Then how could that be my mistake?
No. I came to you because I wanted to,
My next move being my last.
My very life drained and gone.
The floor bespattered with my blood.
My lifeless body now falling into my grave,
I rise again later.
I realized you hadn’t done me any favours,
You took away from me all I had.
I didn’t find what I came looking for.
I’ve become a monster, empty, but eternal like you are.
I truly hate you my sire.


Anonymous said...

we need to talk. this stuff is brilliant. truly. yhe style and content is awwesome, and the visuals it gave me were stunning. this comment isn't for this post only, but for a couple of others as well. i'll comment properly when i come home.
love you.

Lúthien Táralóm said...

Thanks baby, means the world to me that you came and had a look at all.